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Siargo Ltd

Siargo Ltd

矽翔微机电系统有限公司(矽翔公司,Siargo Ltd. )是目前世界唯一生产具有自主知识产权、低功耗、超大量程MEMS气体流量计并使之产品化的厂商

矽翔微机电系统有限公司(矽翔公司,Siargo Ltd. )2003年成立于美国加州硅谷。Siargo矽翔公司设计和生产具有自主知识产权、低功耗、超大量程MEMS气体流量计,核心部件MEMS流量芯片及其专利封装技术由公司自主研发,可用于各类气体流量计量和测控。近年来Siargo矽翔公司发明了热飞行时间微流测控技术、场压力传感技术和MEMS涡街流量技术,为传统的流体计量带来了根本性变革,提供了全新的拓展空间。 

Siargo矽翔公司基于MEMS 技术的流量芯片广泛应用于多种医疗设备( 如:呼吸机、麻醉机、个人呼吸机、内窥镜、伽马医疗设备、哮喘监测、药物输送、肺功能仪等),医院中心供氧、制氧设备、分床计费系统,工业制造业用气测量及过程控制,环保行业大气监测及分析、食品饮料加工,科学气体分析仪器 ,半导体设备, 楼宇自控,民用健身与保健设备 ,家电生产工艺控制 ,汽车生产工艺控制,农林渔业养殖等领域;在全新的燃料电池等尖端科技领域亦有应用。 目前,Siargo矽翔产品已销售到美国、欧洲、加拿大、日本、韩国、南美、大洋洲、东南亚、东南亚、中东等多个国家和地区。

Siargo矽翔公司是中国家标准GB/T 20727-2006 《热式质量流计 》; JJG 1132-2017 《热式气体质量流计 》;电子行业标准《质量流控制器 》起草单位之一。

Established in 2004, Siargo designs and manufactures its proprietary MEMS flow sensing products, and we are extending our technology into microfluidic, pressure, and gas sensing products and applications. Siargo has pioneered the commercialization of MEMS utility gas meters for city gas metering and the products have been deployed since 2007. 

Siargo has commercialized the first thermal time-of-flight sensors for microfluidic metering that enables many applications in this fast-growing industry. The technology has also been extended to gas flow sensing that allows the true mass flow without gas composition dependence with the thermal approaches while thermal properties of the fluids can be acquired simultaneously. 

Siargo's MEMS flow sensors are configured with multiple sensing elements providing additional aspects of flow and flow media information that the traditional approach cannot achieve. These sensors are designed for reliability, wide dynamic range, low power consumption, and easy package for adjustment to different applications. Siargo closely works with our commercial partners as well as peer visionaries of the industry to further advance the technology. 

Our worldwide experienced tech support team is ready to work 24/7 with our valued customers for all their technical and commercial requirements.

We welcome customers to develop application-specific and cost-effective products. 

We are committed to high volume and high-quality product manufacture. 

​We have been certified with ISO 9001, 13485, and 14001. 

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.siargo.us/












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